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Engineering & Capital Projects

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State Road (S.R.) 401 Bridge Replacement Project Development & Environmental Study:

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Description: The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is conducting a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) study to evaluate improvements to the State Road (S.R.) 401 bridges from S.R. 528 to north of the Canaveral Barge Canal.

The purpose of this study is to develop and analyze alternatives for improving the bridges to address access, future mobility, congestion, and safety needs. S.R. 401 provides a vital connection to Port Canaveral's operations including major cruise and cargo terminals. The S.R. 401 bridges also serve as the primary access to U.S. Space Force Station, Naval Ordinance Test Unit, U.S. Coast Guard facilities, and Space Florida operations.

Four alternatives were considered for the S.R. 401 Bridges:

  • No Build (assumes no improvements would be made)
  • High-Level Fixed Bridge
  • Mid-Level Lift Bridge
  • Mid-Level Bascule Bridge (Drawbridge)

Existing physical, natural, social, and environmental features within the study limits were surveyed in detail and taken into consideration during the PD&E study. Following the preliminary analysis, the Department identified and refined the preferred alternative, the High-Level Fixed Bridge.

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